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Screenshot: RA playing Daniel Miller/Berlin Station |
This update serves two distinct purposes: 1. to let you know we are still watching everything that is going on, 2. to give you the information that we have.
So, according to the latest update from Deb Harkness, we have the following information:
A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES ON TV: The production process is moving forward very, very quickly. The production team keeps growing, with four executive producers (including me), one producer to keep us all going, a casting director (yes, a casting director), script editor, location manager, production designer, and four writers (including me). We have two scripts in final edits, and two more are being written at the moment for what is projected to be an 8-episode series that takes us to the end of ADOW. The producers are interested in making a total of five seasons covering the whole trilogy, provided the stars align and the viewers watch it. We shall see. Meanwhile, we have to wait. Like that chick stuck in its egg. All announcements regarding broadcaster, cast, and the date of broadcast will be made by others, not me. I have no control over when the announcements will be made or what they will contain. I know you have been waiting. Make like the chick!!Ok, so where does this leave us? Exactly where we were before, but with some changes in the situation. There is a casting director, and now we know things are moving quickly! It's not much, but we are embracing it and keeping it in the catagory of "good news(?)" We move forward from this point as avid watchers of this situation, for it may change rapidly!
Again, we feel like broken records telling you to be patient, hold steady, and we'll see where this ends up. We are right with you, and if you read the whole update you'll see that she knows things, but she can't tell us. It's all out of her hands, and we are ALL at the mercy of the corporations handling the TV show and the news related to it. 😆 It's all good! After all, we've been waiting for 4 years -- what's another few months (or so)? We are good at waiting things out. This website is proof!
So what are we doing in the meantime? While we patiently wait, we are putting out All Souls related material on Daemons Domain, and doing our podcast, Daemons Discuss! You are welcome to join us there while we keep this particular situation here on the back burner (on simmer). Or you can keep refreshing this page 😊😉. Up to you! Please trust us when we say: "when we know something, we'll make sure you know it too!"
Til the next update, friends!
Stay vigiliant!