Monday, March 23, 2015

The Daemon Guide to 'A Discovery of Witches'

Presenting “The Daemon Guide to A Discovery of Witches."  Book 1 of the All Souls Trilogy

Why did we write this?  Well, we have a decent amount of followers and fans, and we realized that not everyone follows us for the same reasons.  That’s what happens when you run ‘split personality’ campaign!  You get a wide range of diverse followers!  Please know that we are grateful for all of you, whatever your reasons are for sticking with us.  Anyway, some are just here because they share our intense love of the All Souls Trilogy.  Our Pinterest boards cover a lot of that, and we do divert from our RA love on our social media to showcase series items.  We also realize that we have some fans that haven’t read the book(s)!  They may have bought it, read two pages, and put it down.  Or some may have no intention on reading the book, unless RA gets the part of Matthew Clairmont.  You are free to do what you’d like!  However, we will never stop encouraging people to read the series!

We created this little guide to help potential readers get through what may seem an intimidating read (the book is pretty big!)  Or perhaps, some feel it’s the same old story regurgitated in a different form (those who just cannot seem to wrap their heads around vampires. It’s not their genre, and they aren't compelled to start reading fantasy novels now).  We consider this a story about society, and how we treat others who live among us who may be different (now and historically).  It’s also happens to be a romance between two star-crossed lovers that must be hidden because of established norms and governing rules.  And finally, it’s a descriptive tour of wonderful places not everyone will have the chance to see in their lifetimes.  Yes, there are daemons, witches and vampires in it, but that’s just happenstance.  Give it a chance, if you dare!

Also, you can take it a step further by joining the re-read at Goodreads sponsored by Penguin books, going on right now:

The Penguin Goodreads reading schedule:

Week of 3/24: Discovery of Witches Chapters 1-10
Week of 3/31: Discovery of Witches Chapters 11-21
Week of 4/7: Discovery of Witches Chapters 22-32
Week of 4/14: Discovery of Witches Chapter 33-43
Week of 4/21: Shadow of Night Chapters 1-10
Week of 4/28: Shadow of Night Chapters 11-21
Week of 5/5: Shadow of Night Chapters 22-32
Week of 5/12: Shadow of Night Chapters 33-42

Use our guide to help you navigate the first book of the All Souls Trilogy (AST), “A Discovery of Witches” (to be referred to as ‘ADOW’ in the guide).  There is a downloadable version of this guide for printing if you’d like keep this as a quick reference while reading.  Ok, let’s tackle this!  *Please note, there will be minor spoilers.  No plot points are given away.

View the reading guide here: The Daemon Guide to 'A Discovery of Witches'

P.S.  We are planning to cover all three books of the series.  Up next:  The Daemon Guide to 'Shadow of Night'.  The Goodreads re-read for Shadow of Night is in April, so expect it around then.  This is to provide a timely quick reference guide for people participating.